Opportunity – Timing

Opportunity - Timing

Stocks ordered by combination of all timing indicators
Rank Stock P/E ROE ROA Market Cap NPM PEG Price
Stocks ordered by Social Score timing indicator
Rank Stock P/E ROE ROA Market Cap NPM PEG Price
Stocks ordered by MACD timing indicator. The indicator also looks for only stocks with MACD value > 0 and MACD line just crossed up the signal line no longer than 3 days.
Rank Stock P/E ROE ROA Market Cap NPM PEG Price
Stocks ordered by RSI timing indicator. The indicator also looks for only stocks those RSI line just crossed up 70 no longer than 3 days.
Rank Stock P/E ROE ROA Market Cap NPM PEG Price
Stocks ordered by STOCHASTIC timing indicator. The indicator also looks for only stocks with STOCHASTIC value > 80 and STOCHASTIC line just crossed up the signal line no longer than 3 days.
Rank Stock P/E ROE ROA Market Cap NPM PEG Price
Stocks with Quality + Timing Score more than 70 in average which just turns Gem sign into green, resulted in a good timing to buy.


Quality Score


Timing Score


INTERNET THAILAND PUBLIC CO... Company financial health is OK
  • TH:SET
  • SGD 4.98
  • PEG 0.69
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Rank Stock P/E ROE ROA Market Cap NPM PEG Price
Sector Rotation chart plots sectors on the x-axis (RS-Ratio) against a benchmark 'SET index', while the y-axis (RS-Momentum) shows each sector's momentum or rate of change of relative strength. This helps identify the movement of outperforming and underperforming sectors over time.
- The chart covers the recent 10-days movement and excludes those sectors with value lower than 70.